batte melt pump

The difference between manual screen changer and hydraulic screen changer

The main difference between manual and hydraulic screen changers lies in their operating mode and efficiency.

manual screen changer

Operation method:

The manual screen changer requires manual operation, which has the advantages of low cost, simple structure, easy installation, and energy saving. However, its disadvantage is that it is labor-intensive to operate, requires manual intervention, and is not suitable for large-scale or continuous production needs.

The hydraulic screen changer uses a hydraulic system for automatic screen changing. The advantage of this method is that it has a high degree of automation, can quickly and automatically switch screens, reduces downtime, and improves productivity. Hydraulic screen changers can withstand high temperature, high pressure, and corrosive conditions, providing multiple filtration options to ensure stable filtration rates, thereby improving product uniformity and consistency.

hydraulic extrusion screen changer

Efficiency and productivity:

Manual screen changers have relatively low efficiency and productivity due to their reliance on manual operation. In environments that require frequent network changes or continuous production, manual operation may become a bottleneck.

The hydraulic screen changer significantly improves production efficiency through automation and continuous production processes. It reduces the frequency of network replacement and maintenance, thereby reducing downtime and improving overall productivity. In addition, the sturdy structure and efficient filtration system of the hydraulic screen changer enable it to adapt to various harsh operating conditions, ensuring the stability of production and consistency of product quality.


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Batte is a professional screen changer manufacturer, supplying screen changer, especially screen changer for extrusion mould